Tuesday 29 October 2013

Oh Babies, How I Missed You

On the Saturday before last I flew to Zanzibar to have a holiday with my mum. She flew in the following day and we spent a week there before coming back to Arusha. We had an absolutely amazing holiday - it was a beautiful place and I loved it there. It's wonderful to see my mum again too.

What I didn't realise when I went there was just how much I would miss the babies. They have been my life the past four and a half months and there is almost never a day when I don't see them, even if it's just for a short time on my day off. 

We went out for dinner on the night we got back and then Mum and I went to Neema to say hello to the nannies and any babies that might still be awake - just Julius, although Ibrahim and Beulah woke up while we were there. The next morning was the big reunion - as soon as I walked in the door Angel and Angelous saw me and ran to the gate in their room. They were laughing because they had seen me and crying because they couldn't get to me fast enough as the gate was in the way. When I picked them both up they laughed and laughed. It was adorable. 

Mum got to meet all the babies that I talk about so much - Angel and Angelous, the triplets, Bahati and naughty little Ibrahim who took a liking to her straight away - as well as all the rest of them.

Beautiful Angel

Baraka has been feeling a bit under the weather so all he wanted today was lots of snuggles.

Angelous playing the "Where is Angelous?" game underneath my kanga.

Franki in the tunnel.

Babies drinking their milk before nap time.

Julius, Gian and Joyce enjoying their first taste of ice cream at Ibrahim's birthday party. 

It was lovely to have a holiday and a rest for a week, but it was also nice to come back and see all the babies.


1 comment:

  1. How nice you got to see your mom! Glad she got to visit and meet "your" babies :)
