Tuesday 11 June 2013

The Journey Begins

In an hour's time my plane leaves for the first leg of the long trip to Arusha, Tanzania. For the next eight months I will be living and working at Neema House, a home for orphaned and abandoned babies. After that I will be spending a month travelling in the Philippines, Singapore and Australia visiting friends and relatives.

Tonight my journey only goes as far as Sydney, Australia where I will be visiting Christa and catching up with some friends. I leave New Zealand sad about leaving my family and home and church and friends, but excited to be starting a whole trip full of new experiences and adventures. I know it's cliche, but I really think it will be the trip of a lifetime and I don't expect to come back to New Zealand the same person. I know it's not all going to be smooth sailing - I will be homesick and probably have culture shock and there will be times that all I want to do is come home and sleep in my own bed and be with my own family in a place that I'm comfortable with.

I've never much been a person who does things out of their comfort zone. I'm shy and I find meeting new people hard. However, a wise man named Frank Fournier once said, "The further you go out on a limb, the more stories you will have to tell." And deep down, I want that. I want to make a difference and help people and come home with stories and a heart even more burdened for mission than it is already. I believe God has lead me this far and that He will be there for the next few months and always.

So... as much as I hate change and I hate leaving home, here's to the next few months. Here's to a life of adventure and trusting God to provide.

Goodbye beautiful New Zealand. I will miss you.


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